Saturday, November 27, 2010

div align="center">I am participating in Infarrantly Creative and Tatertots and Jello’s Blog Hop for a chance to win a Mint Cleaner. It is the revolutionary machine that cleans your hard floor surfaces for you.
Click here to join the blog hop and a chance to win!Mint_cloth2
The Mint Cleaner is available at the following places:
Are you more of a Black Friday or Cyber Monday girl? Tell us about your best deal or your craziest shopping story.

I am more of a black Friday Shopper. I love getting up at 2:00am, and shopping til I drop all day long. Its kind of a Challenge for me to see how much of the deals I can get that are on my list. My craziest shopping experience is this year! I seen a fist fight at Target, and it was the people that didn't want to wait in line, but thought that they would be cool and try to walk in as soon as the line started to move in. How crazy. So that TV that they were after just cost them ALOT of money, because they will have to bond out of jail and pay all the court fees. Craziness.

Monday, August 2, 2010


hey everybody , head on over to and check out her giveaway for a silhouette. Its like a cricuit. I have wanted a cricuit but I think my other half would shoot me if I spent money on that plus all the cards for it. With the silhouette I wouldnt have all the money wrapped up in cards, its just .99 cents a download of design.

another bloger

I recently visited blog spot and found out that she is giving away a Silhouette. I would love to win it, since I was going to go and buy a cricut in the next month or 2...NO cards to buy.... Just down load the design, now that would be very frugal spending! :)